Saturday, September 14, 2019

#1 Parenting Tips

Everyone has their own formula for happiness. For me, my ultimate ingredient is be mindful. Actually, I just perceive this vocabulary recently when everyone talking about this. I think it fits to my meaning to be aware of our presence to then be prepare for it. Right now I'm talking about being presence as a mother. One of my friend has ask to me whether I have baby blues or post-partum depression. I can't say that I don't have it-I'm not an expert-, but I do aware this will be happen to the newly mom. I do have stress, though. When I pregnant with my first child, I look for every possibilities that will happen to me to be prepared. The three principal for my parenting tips are below.

1. Love myself first before love my baby
The love is an energy to transfer. I have to have it first before giving it to someone else. If I don't love myself, then how to give love to my baby? For me, how to love myself is to fulfill my primary need at first. If I hungry, I will eat even when the baby cries. It will take at least 5 minutes to eat than be cranky for I don't know how long. I have to take a shower at least twice a day. The smell of a breastfeeding mom for a day is musty, I admit, and it affect my mood. How we appear also shows our mood. I say a good appearance for a good mood. What if the baby cry when it's time to have shower and take care of myself? I will let them cry, at least 10 minutes for a good day with my baby.

2. Aware that baby communicates with cry
Meaning the baby will cry a lot. Try to be calm when they do, take a deep breath and try to understand what they're trying to tell us. Find out their meaning of crying if not by reading on related sources or ask the doctors. Theories might be good to help, but your experience is better. Also they say, baby can sense your feeling, so try to be calm, calm, calm.

3. Do 5 times prayer
As a moslem, it is not only obligation but also time to recharge my spiritual. I say it is difficult when it is time to pray, but the baby is crying if I am away. Usually, I will wait until the baby is asleep. However, there is time so short like maghrib prayer. I cannot be 'khusyuk' if I hear the baby cry when I pray. So, I must carry him though imperfect prayer movement (Hope Allah recognize my prayer). 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

New Chapter of My Life

It's been a long time since I open this blog. Four looong years. Now, I'm a mother with two kids, 3 yo and 4 mo. Being a mother is overwhelming. Happy to be but challenging in the process. So many things I want to share. I wrote, but never finished let alone posted. It feels like many wires are tangled in my head. So let's start writing and posting. It's time to tidy up my mind. It's time to be more productive.

I am happy as a mother that stays at home. I have a beautiful memory with my mom who always participate in every my milestones. I want to give those too to my children. I am happy because my life is simple. I can focus on taking care of my children because of my husband. Thanks to him to let me have helper to do chores. Thanks to him to fully support our family needs.

Be mindful is an ultimate key to happiness to do role as a mother. I am aware to be only a housewife is tedious. No career to achieve. No one to impress. No fancy things to wear. Another key is to be grateful, then my head would not be explode with everything I had to have.

Not that being a housewife is an easy task, I find it is so challenging. It is about prioritization. I was a working mother once, then I quit when my firstborn is 7 mo. I always wanted to take care my children by myself, so quitting a job is an option. Though I'm not regret to quit my job, boredom sometimes haunting me. Not that a day feels longer, on the contrary it feels shorter.  I found that 'mind and soul' is the most important resource to manage over 'time' when I thought so. My activities are quite similar from day to day, but I'm far from becoming an expert. 

That is all for now. Note that I need two days to finish this writing. Note that I don't always have ideas to write. Not that it takes time to write good sentence. I believe those take time and practices. I hope I can post regularly. :)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Knowledge management: the powerful tool to develop our society.

The idea of studying abroad raises pros and cons in conducting research in our own country. Many argues that conducting researches in destination countries are better than conducting research in Indonesia, not only to learn about their cultures, experiences, and knowledge to be implemented in Indonesia, but also to promote those of ours to them. Somehow it is true, however, we should not forget for our negligent in managing the knowledge. Have you ever heard the idiom ‘the knowledge and culture from other country may not be suitable for Indonesia? For example, the project like MRT was abandoned for around 20 years from the first time the idea came up. Nonetheless, our neighboring countries, which implemented the idea much later, have enjoyed the benefit of MRT. Should we not be so naïve when we look for journal information by only doing keyword web-search? Where does the information come from the most? Yeah, you’re right, from the Europe – India – China where their development gives impact in our society. What is the information about? Their country! What is the benefit for the researcher? Not much, even in the case of no funding, they would spend a lot of money in order to spread this free information to the world. What about when we try to look information of our country? Yes, you can answer by yourself.

To my knowledge, most researches in other countries are generously funded and the countries get the benefit from the make use of the research results. How about research funding in Indonesia? If not merely financed then I have no knowledge about it, so please tell me. Back to the argument of is it better to not conducting the research in our country when we study abroad. I think the problem is not about giving free information about our country to them, but how well we can manage the information to give positive contribution to our country. We use the knowledges and experiences from other countries and try to make use of them to necessaryly solve our country problems. Is not it powerful tool to participate in the development of our country? How about the free knowledges coming from the work of our student abroad? Do we make use of them properly or are they just stored neatly dusty in the campus library? I hope we are the useful asset of our country.

My point is there so poor knowledge management in Indonesia, which is why slow development for the country is unavoidable.

20 March 2015


Saturday, December 8, 2012


Kendaraan apa yang paling praktis untuk bepergian di Jakarta?

Setiap orang punya pilihan masing-masing. Tapi gw yakin sebagian besar orang akan pilih sepeda motor sebagai jawabannya. Alasannya adalah sepeda motor merupakan kendaraan bermotor yang paling murah dari segi operasional maupun perawatan. Bensin lebih irit daripada mobil atau truk. Apalagi jakarta terkenal sebagai kota yang sangat rawan dengan kemacetan. Sepeda motor sangat fleksibel dan bisa dengan mudah menyalip diantara kendaraan lainnya. Sepeda motor juga bisa jalan di trotoar-itutuuh tempat jalannya pejalan kaki. Pas di lampu merah bisa dengan cepat menyusup ke barisan paling depan. 

Gak perlu nunggu lama-lama naik angkot. Belom kalo harus gonta-ganti angkot dalam sekali perjalanan. Nunggu angkotnya aja kadang udah bikin kesel sendiri. ditambah kalo diangkot masih harus berdiri desek-desekan. Kalo ada sepeda motor kan enak, gak perlu jalan jauh untuk naik kendaraan, motor udah didepan mata tinggal langsung cuuussss berangkat dan sampai di tempat tujuan dengan presisi. Kereta api aja, yang katanya angkutan umum paling murah, massal dan nyaman udah kalah saing sama yang namanya motor. Ada seorang teman yang bilang: 'lebih murah naik motor daripada naik commuterline, naik commuterline mahal belom ramenya dan sering ada gangguan dalam perjalanan, mending naik motor deh'. 

Tapi yaa banyak juga sih gak enaknya naik motor. Kalo panas-kepanasan, kalo ujan-keujanan, hmm apalagi ya??ada ide??

Intinya dari semua untung-rugi nya naik motor, ada satu hal yang pasti: ketika seseorang mengendarai motor ada perasaan-gue-orang-yang-paling-penting-yang-harus-sampai-tujuan-dengan-cepat sehingga terasah lah perasaan-tidak-sabaran yang melakukan segala cara dari nyalip kendaraan seenaknya, mencari celah sampai trotoar pun dibabat dan untuk menghindari kemacetan pasti akan mencari jalan lain seperti gang-gang kecil diantara rumah-rumah. yah kalo motor lewat gak bersuara sih gak papa, tapi kamu pasti tau kan gimana berisiknya suara motor?

Dan hampir setiap orang di Jakarta lebih memilih motor sebagai kendaraan yang praktis. 

Kebayang gak berapa banyak motor yang lewat dan suara berisik yang ditimbulkan?

Bikin stress.

Kesimpulan: sepeda motor merupakan wahana pengasahan ketidaksabaran yang berujung pada budaya praktis.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Handmade :)

Today is soo wonderful because in three days after, I'll meet my beloved Mom and Little Sister come home from Malaysia. But that is not the thing i want to tell in this section..hehee..

Well, i've been graduated from IPB since August 2012 but i still not work in company yet :'(
Don't worry dear, bcoz i busy with my own thing and make fun with 'me' time :)
I really like to recycling things and turn them into great stuff. 

My first project is a basket made from old newspapers, , it used for temporary bin in my room :)

still from old newspapers, I made a vase where i can put a yellow rose from my love :) :)

then I have an old scarf which i turn into lovely flower.

this flower things made me become addicted to make the other.

later I get bored to make flower things and i looked another project i can make. i decide to make a rug, 

but instead of rug, I made another basket. isn't it great?heheee..

i start to knitting but i don't know what it will become xp

whoaa, it's sooo much fun :)
which one do you like?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fitrah hati manusia

Fitrahnya, hati manusia mampu menerima kebenaran dari Tuhannya yang disampaikan melalui Rasul-Nya. Seringkali hati tersebut terselimuti debu-debu duniawi semu melenakan sehingga cahaya pun tak mampu menebusnya. Debu-debu tersebut ditiupkan oleh setan-setan yang berjanji kepada Tuhannya untuk menyesatkan manusia. Akan kujadikan terasa indah, katanyaa.....

Dan manusia pun terjebak tak mampu bangun dari ilusi.

Mari bersihkan debu-debu, hidup pada realita perjuangan untuk kebahagiaan abadi, suatu saat nanti.....

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

what they said about me :')

Sudah hampir 3 tahun menjadi bagian dari SIL 45 dan akan tetap selamanya menjadi bagian dari SIL 45. Terbilang banyak kenangan apalagi dengan menjadi angkatan PERTAMA di Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan IPB. Seru, aneh, nyebelin, kocak, seru, kompak, seru, seru, seru, SERU deh pokoknya. Terima kasih atas semua hal baik dan hal buruk yang kalian bagi: perhatian, canda, tawa, maupun air mata. Terima kasih telah menjadi teman - teman yang baik. Terima kasih untuk kesan dan pesan yang kalian berikan. Mohon maaf kepada teman-teman semua atas kesalahan-perkataan-perbuatan yang tidak mengenakkan di hati teman-teman baik yang disadari maupun yang tidak disadari.  Sungguh tidak bermaksud untuk menyakiti perasaan teman-teman semua.

kasian dia udh terjebak mjdi roommate gw :p
kepribadiannya kayak direktur cewek yang punya anak masih TK
apaan yaah, ibu presiden.
ini si Mbak dewasa loh, wonder girlnya SIL.
she has soul of leadership, I like her personality. Cerdas dan bersahabat.
ini orang yang uda jauh2 kuliah ke bogor dan susah2 banting tulang buat kuliah  tapi cita2nya cuma mau jadi ibu RT *speechless hehe smngt ya doain lu dapetin Pak RT
bossy (?), walaupun tersenyum sama orang bukan berarti stuju sama pendapat orang itu, pinter manipulasi ekspresi, nada suaranya gitu2 aja (sering ngantuk dengernya)
joan keliatan galak, tapi ternyata cengeng juga..
Bu Joan, kata ganti yang pas banget karena Joan ini punya suatu aura yang bikin kita segan. Joan ini orangnya serba pas, pas becandaannya, pas ngobrol2 ala ceweknya, pas seriusnya, pas juga kalo ngasi tugas/ deadline (curhat sekretaris) :p
rapi, supel,
pinter, aktifis, mantaplah
wonder woman.
cewe paling paling paling ambisisus di SIL, terlihat dari bagaimana dia memajukan himatesil. Cerdas dan punya rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi. Enak diajak ngobrol, walau kadang nyebeln juga kalo udah maksa. Supel dan pinter bergaul, cewe paling disegani dan dihormati di kelas, banyak yang peduli karena kontribusinya untuk SIL tidak diragukan lagi.
Seperti kartini dengan pikiran dan ide nya yang modern, mampu menjadi pemimpin dan panutan yang baik. Dan seorang teman yang care, dan apa adanya.
baik , pinter juga, kritis dan bertanggung jawab
my best twinie in shoe
selalu duduk di depan klo kuliah. mantap
tetap semangat ya jo... salam buat saingan gw yg di bandung
punya pendirian dan pemikiran sendiri, cuek, kadang berpikir egois dan tidak memperdulikan org lain, keliatan keras, tp sebenerx neh ank soft jg (kpn lg kita nangis bareng), klo udah sm tmn deketx neh ank udah kya bocah (kaget gw. Haha..) tipe org tidak takut akan suatu hal dan masih bisa jalan sendiri tanpa org laen.
ketua Himatesil pertama yang lahir di Amrik…
jaim, sok elegan...caur, ketawanya ga lepas...siplah jo....
Ketua HIMATESIL pertama yang sering bolak balik malay.
kurangin kta mungkin bsa kali yak.....
Temend satu tempat PL yg baek, pinter, cerdas, punya jiwa kepemimpinan yg OK!! paling inisiatif n kreatif d SIL kalo udah menyangkut kesejahteraan anak2 SIL! Hehe..
selama periode 2010 – 2011 Himatesil bareng sama gw jadi “pendamping” nya yayuk 
bu joan,,yang menurut gw perannya cukup besar dan sukses membentuk himatesil kita,,mantep jo,,perintis,,sukses buat lu jo,,salut kita ama lu
baek , pinter,, aktif banget di himatesil,, makasi parfumnya joan,, botolnya gua pajang dikamar,, isinya udah habis soalnya… heheh.
Ibunya SIL                    
Super girl!
baik dan perhatian. Gue nyimak banget kalo beliau lagi ngomong di forum, mantep jo! Pekerjaan yang cocok untuk Anda adalah konsultan (apapun) dan scientist. *ceritanya gue peramal. #abaikan
baik banget, tapi kadang nyebelin juga sih kalo udh bales sms singkat,kadang malah ga dibales...makasih juga kosan nya yg udah mau nampung gw selama ujian ekekekekek......semangaaaaaaaaaaat!!!
bingung jo mau isi apa hahaha
wanita berkharisma yang sering ngajak ribut orang juga. Haha. Salah satu cewek yang laku di pasaran smp punya cadangan. :’D
Ketua Himatesil pertama. Dewasa, enak diajak ngobrol dan curhat. Realistis.
Jadikan gw yg “ketiga” jo! (haha..), joan itu perfeksionis dan gw gak bs berkata apa-apa  ‘cause she is (almost) perfect! Dan care.
ramah, sabar, jujur, dan dewasa

Semoga kita tetap 'WOW' sepanjang masa dan mampu membuktikan kehebatan kita kepada semua orang. Semoga kita tidak saling melupakan dan saling mendoakan

forever and ever :')