Saturday, September 14, 2019

#1 Parenting Tips

Everyone has their own formula for happiness. For me, my ultimate ingredient is be mindful. Actually, I just perceive this vocabulary recently when everyone talking about this. I think it fits to my meaning to be aware of our presence to then be prepare for it. Right now I'm talking about being presence as a mother. One of my friend has ask to me whether I have baby blues or post-partum depression. I can't say that I don't have it-I'm not an expert-, but I do aware this will be happen to the newly mom. I do have stress, though. When I pregnant with my first child, I look for every possibilities that will happen to me to be prepared. The three principal for my parenting tips are below.

1. Love myself first before love my baby
The love is an energy to transfer. I have to have it first before giving it to someone else. If I don't love myself, then how to give love to my baby? For me, how to love myself is to fulfill my primary need at first. If I hungry, I will eat even when the baby cries. It will take at least 5 minutes to eat than be cranky for I don't know how long. I have to take a shower at least twice a day. The smell of a breastfeeding mom for a day is musty, I admit, and it affect my mood. How we appear also shows our mood. I say a good appearance for a good mood. What if the baby cry when it's time to have shower and take care of myself? I will let them cry, at least 10 minutes for a good day with my baby.

2. Aware that baby communicates with cry
Meaning the baby will cry a lot. Try to be calm when they do, take a deep breath and try to understand what they're trying to tell us. Find out their meaning of crying if not by reading on related sources or ask the doctors. Theories might be good to help, but your experience is better. Also they say, baby can sense your feeling, so try to be calm, calm, calm.

3. Do 5 times prayer
As a moslem, it is not only obligation but also time to recharge my spiritual. I say it is difficult when it is time to pray, but the baby is crying if I am away. Usually, I will wait until the baby is asleep. However, there is time so short like maghrib prayer. I cannot be 'khusyuk' if I hear the baby cry when I pray. So, I must carry him though imperfect prayer movement (Hope Allah recognize my prayer). 

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